Moonstone Jewelry Care Guide Gentle Cleaning ..

Moonstone Jewelry Care Guide

Gentle Cleaning

To maintain the lustrous beauty of your moonstone jewelry:

Mix mild soap with lukewarm water.Soak your jewelry briefly, then scrub gently with a soft brush.Rinse under cool water and pat dry with a soft cloth.

Storage Tips

Keep your moonstone jewelry safe and sound:

Store separately to prevent scratching.Use soft pouches or lined jewelry boxes.Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.

Wearing Precautions

While moonstone is relatively durable, take these precautions:

Remove jewelry before engaging in physical activities.Apply cosmetics, perfumes, and lotions before wearing your moonstone pieces.Handle with care to prevent impact and scratching.

Moonstone Energetic Cleansing

Restore its metaphysical properties:

Place your jewelry under the light of the full moon.Use a piece of selenite to cleanse the energy.Recharge your Moonstone by burying it in the Earth overnight.
